Ask Your Catering Service To Include Edible Flowers In One Of Your Dishes

When you meet with a local event catering service to collaboratively develop a menu for an event that you're running, you shouldn't shy away from making special requests. While the caterer will present you with all sorts of enticing menu options, you can make suggestions to give some of the dishes a custom touch. If you've recently learned about edible flowers or have even started to grow them in your own garden and incorporate them into your cooking, you might wish to discuss this topic with your caterer. [Read More]

Fun Customization Options To Add To Your Pizza Menu

Over the years, standard pizza customization options have arisen in the United States. Most shops let customers pick their own toppings and some let them choose between two or three sauces, but that's about it! Offering additional customization options on your menu is a great way to stand out from other pizza shops. Here are a few customization options to consider including on your menus. Choice Of Crust Considering how many different diets call for limiting or excluding bread, this option will do really well these days. [Read More]

Order These Burgers On Meatless Monday

In an effort to increase their consumption of vegetables, many families adhere to the idea of "Meatless Monday." This term is as it sounds — on Mondays, you strive to consume a diet that is devoid of meat. If you're a serious hamburger fan, you may feel as though a visit to your local burger establishment won't work on Meatless Monday. This isn't necessarily true, however. While you might not want to order a burger with a ground beef patty on this day of the week, many burger restaurants have alternatives that can suit your dietary restrictions. [Read More]

How To Keep Keto At A Sandwich Shop

You may assume sandwich shops are the most difficult type of fast food to order keto-friendly options from, but they are often one of the easier choices. Because sandwich shops have many choices for meats, cheeses, and vegetables and are used to building sandwiches and salads according to customer desires, you can usually get tasty keto options from them. Below are some tips for keeping keto at sandwich shops.  Order Salads, Wraps, and Roll-ups  [Read More]