
Italian Dishes That Do Well In Catering Situations

When you have a party catered, you need to think not only about which foods will taste good but also about which ones will hold up well in a catering situation. Usually, when food is catered, it sits for a while before it is served, and it also sits on display waiting for people to have seconds. Not every dish will be delicious after an hour in a warming tray, but the following are four Italian dishes that do tend to stand up well in catering situations.

Renting A Room For Your Child's Birthday Party: Four Things To Know Before Booking

Renting a room for your child's party means you don't have to spend days cleaning the house beforehand or extra time cleaning up after. You can enjoy the day with your little one instead of stressing. When you rent a kid's birthday party room, there are some important questions you'll need to ask. Knowing the answers can help you determine just how much planning you'll need to do. Here are some key pieces of information you should know before you put a deposit down.

Five Tips For Using Your Milkshake Machine To Its True Potential

If you are a restaurant owner, buying a new milkshake machine is a great way to shake up your menu and give your guests something new to try. After all, who doesn't enjoy a milkshake after their meal? To use your milkshake machine to its full potential, however, you will want to follow these tips. 1. Experiment with your milk and ice cream proportions. Most people don't want an overly runny milkshake, and one that is too thick needs to be eaten with a spoon.

Three Reasons To Have A Smoker Going Behind Your Pizza Restaurant

If there's one smell that can compel people in the area to flock to a restaurant, it's the smell of smoke. Barbecue restaurants are often popular because of the smells that waft from the smokers that they have on the premises, but you can adopt this idea even if you don't specialize in barbecued fare. If you run a pizza restaurant, you might already be busy, but it never hurts to look for additional ways of drawing more clientele through your doors.

Four Things To Consider Before Adding Live Music To Your Bar

Adding live music to your bar can be a great way to attract new business while keeping your regulars entertained. To make your new live music option a success, there are a few things you'll want to consider in advance. Use the following guide to help plan your new venture. Setting Aside Space You'll need to make room for a stage or performance area, and you'll want to make sure you have the right space set aside for it.

Pizza At Your Wedding Reception? 3 Reasons Why It's A Great Idea

There are a lot of things that you might connect with the idea of eating pizza. It might be your comfort food, or it might be a favorite choice for enjoying while you watch a big sporting event with friends. It can even make a great meal for a date. But if you're planning a wedding reception, pizza probably isn't on your radar. Maybe it should be, though. Take a look at a few reasons why pizza really is a great idea for a wedding reception meal:

Ideas For Your First Online Date

When you meet someone on the Internet and you decide that it is time for both of you to take things to real life, you want to make sure you set up a convenient first meeting that won't put too much pressure on either of you. Also, both of you should be concerned about safety, since you will really be meeting the person for the first time and up until that point you have only been taking them at their word about who they are.

3 Questions To Ask When Reserving Event Space For A Small Gathering

When booking an event space for a big gathering, one of the first questions people ask is whether there will be enough room for all their invited guests. Booking a venue for a small gathering presents different challenges. Rather than finding a place large enough, you need to find one that will accommodate a smaller, more intimate one. If you're looking for a place to hold a small gathering, here are some questions that will help you select an event space that'll be perfect for your group.

Four Steakhouse-Style Pan Sauces You Can Serve Over Your Steak

After you're finished preparing your steak in a hot skillet, there will be flavorful, caramelized drippings left behind in the pan. It would be a shame to let these delicious bits go to waste. Instead of rinsing them away, try incorporating them into a pan sauce to serve over your steak. Here are four ideas to try: Classic Butter and Wine Sauce As soon as you remove the steak from the pan, pour 1/3 cup red wine (Merlot or Cabernet work well) into the pan.

Relationship Tips: Join In On Your Partner's Sporting Hobby

Spending time with your partner is important, but sometimes this can be difficult for one reason or another. Perhaps you are both busy or maybe you don't share similar interests. Well, the following guide will show you why it is important to take an active interest in your partner's hobbies, especially sports. Importance Of Sharing Interest Yes, it is important to take an interest in your partner's sports hobby, but you should make sure that you are doing this to enhance the relationship between you two.